I am super excited to make an announcement today!
We just launched a brand-new course called Land Listings Unleashed.
It's a major need that we have identified in the educational marketplace specifically for realtors.
If you are a realtor, more than likely you are uncomfortable with raw land and all the things you need to know in order to close these deals.
-How does raw land in the development world work?
-How do I put a value on a piece of raw land?
-What is the process?
-What is the timeline?What are all the things you need to know in order to truly call yourself an expert? – Which is exactly what your client is hiring you to be.
They are hiring you to represent them and to help them in the process because they look at you as a professional and an expert.
A big part of being a realtor is controlling your client’s expectations and putting a value to their real estate asset.
Here’s the thing, I have worked with hundreds of realtors. I can count on one hand the number of realtors that are educated in land with development potential.
And realtors with a firm education in land can make a lot of money.
The last deal I did with a realtor that was educated in land, that realtor earned a commission of $200,000 – and that was one deal!For all the realtors out there, ask yourself this:
– Do you want to scale your business?
– Do you want to diversify?
– Do you want to be in a position to earn commissions at life-changing levels?If you don't have the education as an expert in land deals, these types of commissions aren't possible.
So if you want to learn how land deals work in the development world, become an expert in the land development space, then I encourage you to check out our course.
If you’re ready to take your business to a whole new level, the best place to start is to watch our presentation video here: https://shrtlnk.co/YCy6d
I guarantee there is nothing else out there like it and it's going to have a major impact on your career.
Posted by Cody Bjugan – VESTRIGHT on Thursday, July 30, 2020
Pivoting To Success
One thing that Cody and I celebrate both at VestRight and also in our development company, Allied Development, is the Pivot Move.
In this video, I talk about some surprising and interesting pivot moves that have been made by well-known companies.
Pivot moves can be scary. They can be nerve-wracking. They can be really big decisions to make.
But anyone who has made it to any level of success on their own in life can typically trace it back to some pivotal move they have made that got them to where they are today.
If you are contemplating that pivot move, I want to encourage you to just make it. Step out of that comfort zone and go for it!
For almost every one of the students, the decision to join our course, Land Deals Revealed, was a pivot move. For some, they moved out of their comfort zone and got into land deals when they previously had no real estate experience. We have some who were already doing real estate but they weren't focusing on land and the strategies that we employ. So moving into the land deal space was their pivot move.
If you are out there and you have that pivot move that you know you need to take, maybe now is the time to consider it. Make your pivot move!
If real estate is a passion, if building generational wealth is something that’s important to you, you need to check out our free presentation at: https://shrtlnk.co/KuwiM
Pivot moves are an essential part of anyone's progress towards success. And really what differentiates someone from a Wannapeunuer status to an Entrepreneur status is the fact that they identified that pivot move and they made it. So, get out there and make yours!
Posted by Cody Bjugan – VESTRIGHT on Tuesday, July 28, 2020
One thing that Cody and I celebrate both at VestRight and also in our development company, Allied Development, is the Pivot Move.
In this video, I talk about some surprising and interesting pivot moves that have been made by well-known companies.
Pivot moves can be scary. They can be nerve-wracking. They can be really big decisions to make.
But anyone who has made it to any level of success on their own in life can typically trace it back to some pivotal move they have made that got them to where they are today.
If you are contemplating that pivot move, I want to encourage you to just make it. Step out of that comfort zone and go for it!
For almost every one of the students, the decision to join our course, Land Deals Revealed, was a pivot move. For some, they moved out of their comfort zone and got into land deals when they previously had no real estate experience. We have some who were already doing real estate but they weren't focusing on land and the strategies that we employ. So moving into the land deal space was their pivot move.
If you are out there and you have that pivot move that you know you need to take, maybe now is the time to consider it. Make your pivot move!
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.
Pivot moves are an essential part of anyone's progress towards success. And really what differentiates someone from a Wannapeunuer status to an Entrepreneur status is the fact that they identified that pivot move and they made it. So, get out there and make yours!
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.
Value of Face to Face
I am in beautiful Boise Idaho today to do numerous face to face meetings for a new land deal we’re putting together. I was able to view the property, meet with the city, the engineer, the land use attorney and also meet with the party that brought us the deal.
The reason for me telling you this is because we talk a lot about the flexibility of being a Land Acquisition Specialist. You can work from anywhere as long as you have a phone and an internet connection.
It’s true!
It provides what I like to call, a great “Lifestyle Business”. You are able to mix business and pleasure and it provides the freedom and flexibility that I have enjoyed for almost two decades now.
A remote or virtual business is extremely valuable. You can accomplish so much through technology. With that said, I don't ever want to discount the value of meeting face to face.
There is something about the face to face contact with someone that ends up being so much more productive. You can read each other's body language and their tone. It creates an instant connection and the trust is built quicker. And it allows each party to get comfortable more quickly.
Don't be afraid to do face to face meetings!
We talk about direct mail and cold calling, but if there is a great piece of property that you really want and you’ve gotta have it – go knock on that door!
Don’t be afraid to get in your car or jump on a plane and get in front of that person! Get that person to talk to you.
Face to Face is extremely valuable.
If you’re interested in learning more about our business model, our strategy, check out our presentation video here: https://shrtlnk.co/KuwiM
Posted by Cody Bjugan – VESTRIGHT on Thursday, July 16, 2020
I am in beautiful Boise Idaho today to do numerous face to face meetings for a new land deal we’re putting together. I was able to view the property, meet with the city, the engineer, the land use attorney and also meet with the party that brought us the deal.
The reason for me telling you this is because we talk a lot about the flexibility of being a Land Acquisition Specialist. You can work from anywhere as long as you have a phone and an internet connection.
It’s true!
It provides what I like to call, a great “Lifestyle Business”. You are able to mix business and pleasure and it provides the freedom and flexibility that I have enjoyed for almost two decades now.
A remote or virtual business is extremely valuable. You can accomplish so much through technology. With that said, I don't ever want to discount the value of meeting face to face.
There is something about the face to face contact with someone that ends up being so much more productive. You can read each other's body language and their tone. It creates an instant connection and the trust is built quicker. And it allows each party to get comfortable more quickly.
Don't be afraid to do face to face meetings!
We talk about direct mail and cold calling, but if there is a great piece of property that you really want and you’ve gotta have it – go knock on that door!
Don’t be afraid to get in your car or jump on a plane and get in front of that person! Get that person to talk to you.
Face to Face is extremely valuable.
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.
Opening Doors
I have gotten some feedback from some of our participants in our program, Land Deals Revealed, recently and it's just really cool to see the transformations. It's one of the driving forces behind creating LDR.
One participant that reached out to me recently is a great guy. He was already very active in real estate even before coming into our program. He has done spec homes and some fix and flips.
He let me know that he recently had a land deal come across his desk. He said that in the past he would have passed on it and not even taken a second look at it because it wasn't his specialty. He didn't know land.
Now, because he has taken our course, he can take this lead and do something with it! He has the knowledge necessary to be able to examine the deal.
What a great thing! To be able to create opportunities for yourself, where in the past you wouldn't have been able to do anything with them. And not only are they opportunities but they are BIG opportunities.
These land deals that we put together have big returns. Now, I know “big returns” can mean different things to different people.
For some it's a deal where they clear $10K.
But for someone else, it means they clear 100K.
Deal sizes are different for everyone but when we are talking Land Deals you can quickly get up into the 6 & 7 figure return level and it's a game changer for a lot of people.
This participant was doing fix and flips and one of his biggest challenges was the fact that his market is so inundated with people trying to do the same thing.
The competition is fierce. Some people call it a Red Ocean and becoming a Land Acquisition Specialist will take you out of that Red Ocean and get you into Blue Ocean territory.
Another participant we have is already in Land Development. He has some exposure but he doesn't know how to put these deals together himself so he can start seeing the big returns for himself.
If you have any desire to get into Land Development, whether you have real estate experience or not, our course will take someone completely green and get them ready as a Land Acquisition Specialist. The best place to start is by watching our presentation video here: https://shrtlnk.co/KuwiM
We would love to hear from you!
Posted by Cody Bjugan – VESTRIGHT on Tuesday, July 14, 2020
I have gotten some feedback from some of our participants in our program, Land Deals Revealed, recently and it's just really cool to see the transformations. It's one of the driving forces behind creating LDR.
One participant that reached out to me recently is a great guy. He was already very active in real estate even before coming into our program. He has done spec homes and some fix and flips.
He let me know that he recently had a land deal come across his desk. He said that in the past he would have passed on it and not even taken a second look at it because it wasn't his specialty. He didn't know land.
Now, because he has taken our course, he can take this lead and do something with it! He has the knowledge necessary to be able to examine the deal.
What a great thing! To be able to create opportunities for yourself, where in the past you wouldn't have been able to do anything with them. And not only are they opportunities but they are BIG opportunities.
These land deals that we put together have big returns. Now, I know “big returns” can mean different things to different people.
For some it's a deal where they clear $10K.
But for someone else, it means they clear 100K.
Deal sizes are different for everyone but when we are talking Land Deals you can quickly get up into the 6 & 7 figure return level and it's a game changer for a lot of people.
This participant was doing fix and flips and one of his biggest challenges was the fact that his market is so inundated with people trying to do the same thing.
The competition is fierce. Some people call it a Red Ocean and becoming a Land Acquisition Specialist will take you out of that Red Ocean and get you into Blue Ocean territory.
Another participant we have is already in Land Development. He has some exposure but he doesn't know how to put these deals together himself so he can start seeing the big returns for himself.
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.
We would love to hear from you!
Some People Dream of Success
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.
Let Your Coach Help You Succeed
Let Your Coach Help You Succeed
I absolutely suck at golf…but I have decided I want to be good at it.
I just finished at the driving range and was working on all the things that the coach I hired to give me lessons has encouraged me to practice.
If I didn't hire a coach and take lessons, I may never have figured out the right way to move my body, how to swing the club or the correct way to follow through. I probably could have figured it out eventually but it would have taken a whole lot longer and I would have made so many more mistakes along the way.
Isn't that true with anything in life where we want to improve or grow?
Having an educated and experienced coach will help you get to where you want to be quicker and more efficiently.
Here’s the thing though, a coach can teach you everything you need to know but unless you consistently apply and exercise those teachings it really doesn't matter what they have taught you.
Unless you are willing to stick with it, continue to fail and make the mistakes until it finally all comes together, then it's all for nothing!
The point that I am trying to make with my horrible golf game is this: Whatever it is right now that you are currently wanting more experience or education in, I encourage you to get yourself a coach. I encourage you to allow yourself to make the mistakes and get frustrated.
I get it! I have to remind myself regularly to be consistent, to stick with it, don't give up and continue to utilize my coach to grow in my game. Eventually, if I stay the course, I will not be embarrassed to go out and play with my friends and colleagues.
When it comes to VestRight and Land Deals Revealed, we are here to teach and coach you. We want you to get to the point where you are comfortable and secure enough to put together your own land deals the right way!
If you want to learn more about our coaching program and how our program can help you, take a look at our training video here: https://shrtlnk.co/KuwiM
It’s a great place to start because we’ll show you how we do it.
Posted by Cody Bjugan – VESTRIGHT on Thursday, July 9, 2020
I absolutely suck at golf…but I have decided I want to be good at it.
I just finished at the driving range and was working on all the things that the coach I hired to give me lessons has encouraged me to practice.
If I didn't hire a coach and take lessons, I may never have figured out the right way to move my body, how to swing the club or the correct way to follow through. I probably could have figured it out eventually but it would have taken a whole lot longer and I would have made so many more mistakes along the way.
Isn't that true with anything in life where we want to improve or grow?
Having an educated and experienced coach will help you get to where you want to be quicker and more efficiently.
Here’s the thing though, a coach can teach you everything you need to know but unless you consistently apply and exercise those teachings it really doesn't matter what they have taught you.
Unless you are willing to stick with it, continue to fail and make the mistakes until it finally all comes together, then it's all for nothing!
The point that I am trying to make with my horrible golf game is this: Whatever it is right now that you are currently wanting more experience or education in, I encourage you to get yourself a coach. I encourage you to allow yourself to make the mistakes and get frustrated.
I get it! I have to remind myself regularly to be consistent, to stick with it, don't give up and continue to utilize my coach to grow in my game. Eventually, if I stay the course, I will not be embarrassed to go out and play with my friends and colleagues.
When it comes to VestRight and Land Deals Revealed, we are here to teach and coach you. We want you to get to the point where you are comfortable and secure enough to put together your own land deals the right way!
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.
It’s a great place to start because we’ll show you how we do it.
Are You 70 or 99?
I was reading an article with a great quote, “Most decisions should probably be made with somewhere around 70% of the information that you wish you had. If you wait for 90%, in most cases, you are probably being too slow.”
One of the biggest barriers that people have when they are looking to make a change is not being able to make a move until they feel comfortable with it. For a lot of people that means being up to that 99%, where they have just about all of the information gathered and they can make that sound decision with minimal risk.
That need to get to the 99% level before you can make a decision is one of the biggest stumbling blocks of anyone trying to make a big move in their life. Maybe it's an entrepreneurial business that they want to start or maybe it's a “wanna-preneur”, entrepreneur in training, where they have yet to make their big move because they don't have all of their information.
Lack of information is one of the biggest crutches that keep people from making a big move.
This quote was made by Jeff Bezos, big boss over at Amazon. I love that he says 70% because for me 70% is pretty low and here he is saying that if you wait to get more information than you are being too slow.
I personally feel that 70% is pretty tight, I’m not going to lie. Maybe 75% feels better. But that’s the question to you.
Are you a 70 percent-er? Do you feel comfortable with getting 70% of the data and you are ready to go? Or are you that person who needs 90% or 100%? Do you need the deal gift wrapped with a bow and handed to you on a silver platter before you decide to make that move?
Let us know in the comments below. Are you 80%? Are you 60%? Do you just not even look at data and you just make a decision? What kind of decision maker are you?
If you are in the higher percent where you really need that sound information before you make your decisions, here is a challenge for you: Think about how that has worked out for you. Have you made a decision but it was too late? Have you ever missed the boat or missed an opportunity?
If you’re watching this video, more likely than not you are interested in what we do – Land Development. We have a course that teaches people how to put together land deals but exit out prior to taking on the big risk moments like purchasing land and taking out a multimillion-dollar loan to fund construction.
Unlike the 70% cut off, this course is 100% dialed! Cody and I have been doing this for about 18 years now and we have put this course together with all of our blood, sweat and tears for you.
If you would like to find out more about this course where we will walk you through all of the steps that you need to become a Land Acquisitions Specialist, the best place to start is to watch our presentation video here: https://shrtlnk.co/KuwiM.
Are you ready? Are you comfortable? How comfortable do you need to be in order to make a big decision? If you know that what we do is what you’re ready for, it's a no brainer.
You can tell yourself, “If I wait on this, it’s just me not being ready to get out of my comfort zone.”
Successful people resoundingly say, “I think about my big moves and they made me uncomfortable, But I made them and I don't regret them and I wouldn't look back!”
Unless you’re ready to move out of your comfort zone then you just won't be able to make big things happen!
Posted by Cody Bjugan – VESTRIGHT on Tuesday, July 7, 2020
I was reading an article with a great quote, “Most decisions should probably be made with somewhere around 70% of the information that you wish you had. If you wait for 90%, in most cases, you are probably being too slow.”
One of the biggest barriers that people have when they are looking to make a change is not being able to make a move until they feel comfortable with it. For a lot of people that means being up to that 99%, where they have just about all of the information gathered and they can make that sound decision with minimal risk.
That need to get to the 99% level before you can make a decision is one of the biggest stumbling blocks of anyone trying to make a big move in their life. Maybe it's an entrepreneurial business that they want to start or maybe it's a “wanna-preneur”, entrepreneur in training, where they have yet to make their big move because they don't have all of their information.
Lack of information is one of the biggest crutches that keep people from making a big move.
This quote was made by Jeff Bezos, big boss over at Amazon. I love that he says 70% because for me 70% is pretty low and here he is saying that if you wait to get more information than you are being too slow.
I personally feel that 70% is pretty tight, I’m not going to lie. Maybe 75% feels better. But that’s the question to you.
Are you a 70 percent-er? Do you feel comfortable with getting 70% of the data and you are ready to go? Or are you that person who needs 90% or 100%? Do you need the deal gift wrapped with a bow and handed to you on a silver platter before you decide to make that move?
Let us know in the comments below. Are you 80%? Are you 60%? Do you just not even look at data and you just make a decision? What kind of decision maker are you?
If you are in the higher percent where you really need that sound information before you make your decisions, here is a challenge for you: Think about how that has worked out for you. Have you made a decision but it was too late? Have you ever missed the boat or missed an opportunity?
If you’re watching this video, more likely than not you are interested in what we do – Land Development. We have a course that teaches people how to put together land deals but exit out prior to taking on the big risk moments like purchasing land and taking out a multimillion-dollar loan to fund construction.
Unlike the 70% cut off, this course is 100% dialed! Cody and I have been doing this for about 18 years now and we have put this course together with all of our blood, sweat and tears for you.
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.
Are you ready? Are you comfortable? How comfortable do you need to be in order to make a big decision? If you know that what we do is what you’re ready for, it's a no brainer.
You can tell yourself, “If I wait on this, it’s just me not being ready to get out of my comfort zone.”
Successful people resoundingly say, “I think about my big moves and they made me uncomfortable, But I made them and I don't regret them and I wouldn't look back!”
Unless you’re ready to move out of your comfort zone then you just won't be able to make big things happen!
There Are No Limits…
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.
Putting A Value To Dirt
Welcome to another addition to our ‘Becoming a Land Acquisition Specialist’ miniseries. The topic of today: Putting a Value to Land.
Just like our previous topics, this is a crucial one!
The question is: I have this piece of land, now how do I put a value to it? How do I go to a property owner and say, “Here is what your property is worth and here is what I can offer you.”?
Value is a very important piece in the Land Acquisition Specialist’s world and it's not an easy part of the puzzle to figure out. We go into depth in our course, Land Deals Revealed, on the different techniques, methods and strategies we can use to get these values.
Everything from taking the finished home and doing the math backwards to get all the way down to what the raw land is worth. Or taking the finished lot value and working that math backwards.
We talk about the roles the title companies can play in establishing the value of a piece of property. We discuss several different methods in determining this number and techniques we can use.
I often think about the non-Land Acquisition Specialist. That guy who thinks he knows land and wants to put a deal together. When he brings a deal to me and I take a look at the price, I find myself scratching my head and not understanding the math behind his calculations.
It's actually a very quick way for me to establish if someone knows what they are talking about or not.
Knowing value is extremely important. That is why we spend a good amount of time in our program reviewing it.
To produce 5 to 7-figure returns, obviously it’s essential to have a firm understanding of how to establish value.
So, if you want to become a Land Acquisition Specialist, you’re going to need to know the methods and techniques for establishing value.
If this is something that you are wanting to learn about, we have the perfect program for you! It’s called Land Deals Revealed and the best place to start is by watching our presentation video at VestRight.com/action.
Posted by Cody Bjugan – VESTRIGHT on Monday, June 29, 2020
Welcome to another addition to our ‘Becoming a Land Acquisition Specialist’ miniseries. The topic of today: Putting a Value to Land.
Just like our previous topics, this is a crucial one!
The question is: I have this piece of land, now how do I put a value to it? How do I go to a property owner and say, “Here is what your property is worth and here is what I can offer you.”?
Value is a very important piece in the Land Acquisition Specialist’s world and it's not an easy part of the puzzle to figure out. We go into depth in our course, Land Deals Revealed, on the different techniques, methods and strategies we can use to get these values.
Everything from taking the finished home and doing the math backwards to get all the way down to what the raw land is worth. Or taking the finished lot value and working that math backwards.
We talk about the roles the title companies can play in establishing the value of a piece of property. We discuss several different methods in determining this number and techniques we can use.
I often think about the non-Land Acquisition Specialist. That guy who thinks he knows land and wants to put a deal together. When he brings a deal to me and I take a look at the price, I find myself scratching my head and not understanding the math behind his calculations.
It's actually a very quick way for me to establish if someone knows what they are talking about or not.
Knowing value is extremely important. That is why we spend a good amount of time in our program reviewing it.
To produce 5 to 7-figure returns, obviously it’s essential to have a firm understanding of how to establish value.
So, if you want to become a Land Acquisition Specialist, you’re going to need to know the methods and techniques for establishing value.
Discover how a single land deal can outperform 100 real estate transactions by addressing the housing shortage in the United States. To learn more about this innovative program, click here to speak with our team.